The dental workforce in Australia is growing exponentially and there are now more dental practices than ever before. Remaining competitive is becoming increasingly challenging. The SWISS DENTAL ACADEMY was started to ensure dental professionals such as you get the competitive edge to guarantee the long-term success of your practice.
The goal of the SWISS DENTAL ACADEMY (SDA) is to give dental professionals a complete education on how to apply state-of-the-art prophylaxis technologies and use the latest techniques in periodontal disease management. Registering to attend the SWISS DENTAL ACADEMY gives you an important competitive edge in terms of your expertise, gives you greater confidence and earns you the trust of patients, in turn increasing the profitability of your practice.
Since the SDA was established in 2005 by Electro Medical Systems (EMS), approximately 70,000 dental professionals have attended SDA courses. There are currently SDA training networks in 25 countries, making it the most significant institution of its kind in the world.
Ask how to become an accredited Swiss Prophylaxis Provider after attending any SDA the course.
Train for excellence
As dental professionals we have chosen a practical profession which involves skilful use of our hands. The SWISS DENTAL ACADEMY recognises this and believes that you will gain the most knowledge and experience when you let your hands do the learning. Therefore the SWISS DENTAL ACADEMY team delivers theoretical instruction combined with practical hands-on training.
Based on the findings of scientific research and the latest clinical studies on the subject of prevention and maintenance, SDA course will teach you the most modern treatment methods. Your patients will benefit from your training, will experience the "FEEL GOOD" moment, return for a repeat visit and refer you and your practice to others.
Instructed by certified SWISS DENTAL ACADEMY trainers with many years of experience, you will put theory directly into practice - and all this in a welcoming and relaxed workshop atmosphere.
Seize the opportunity
The training programs are designed for everyone on the dental team (dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants) to achieve maximum productivity and profitability in their practice.
Experience the unique "I FEEL GOOD moment". Enhance your qualifications and open up new perspectives for the dental health of your patients. Rely on the scientific standard of GUIDED BIOFILM THERAPY and guarantee the long-term success of your practice. The bright future of trained dental professionals begins here. We look forward to seeing you at an SDA Australia course soon.
The future is here with the SWISS DENTAL ACADEMY.
Sunday, 9 February, 2025